Meet Tracey-Ann.

Tracey-Ann Rose is the Business Coach for WOC who are intuitive, sensitive, and recovering people-pleasers. She teaches WOC how to build a business that makes them excited to get up in the morning. 

She uses her energy reading gifts, B.S. of Psychology from the University of Georgia, and her empathic nature to help WOC own every part of themselves, so they can have financial freedom. 

Before becoming a Business Coach, she worked as an Actor and Writer. After tiring of the lack of dynamic representation of the BIPOC community in the entertainment industry, she decided a shift was in order. 

After doing over 60+ hours of free energy work beta sessions, she was thrilled to discover those clients completely reshaped their careers. 

Now, she uses her energy reading skills to help WOC build a business (and life) that feels fulfilling, sustainable, and fits them like a glove.

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