I used to avoid my body.

It always felt like a friend that lured me into a false sense of security and suddenly—without provocation—stabbed me in the back. 

When I thought of her, I was taken back to painful memories. 

Spending months in bed. 

Missing out on my nephew’s baby shower. 

Feeling crushed by the weight of anticipating the next setback. 

I didn’t want to know her, and I certainly didn’t trust her.

How could I?

She always stopped me from doing what I wanted, when I wanted. And I resented her for that.

It took over a decade for that to change. 

Instead of taking the word of medical professionals as the Bible on my body, I decided to get to know her personally.

Whatever I felt she (my body) needed, I provided. 

For me, this was 

  • extra supplements, 

  • scheduling naps regularly, and 

  • strategizing with my husband on splitting housework more equitably. 

It allowed me to achieve consistency in my business. 

Not because I felt 100% all of the time. 

Because I now KNOW how to 

  • work with my body—no matter where she’s at, 

  • listen to her signals, and 

  • adapt, as necessary to reach my short-term and long-term goals. 

THIS is why I teach my clients how to build consistency in their business in a sustainable way that works for THEM.


Anxiety vs. Intuition: My Son's Health Journey