Our purpose is to empower women of color to recognize, cultivate, and thrive in their talents, gifts, and abilities.

We believe that career alignment goes beyond just finding the right job or reaching positions of power.

It is possible to create financial abundance, forge a unique path to personal success, and experience profound internal and external fulfillment.

We envision a world where more women of color are empowered to be leaders, decision-makers, and innovators who shape industries, challenge the status quo, and create impactful change in their communities.

Through our work, we create space to illuminate the unique and unexpected paths that lead us to align our career aspirations and our truest selves.

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I believe that together, we can create a powerful collective force that uplifts us all.

intuitive connection to self and others










visibility as a form of vulnerabilty


energetic insights








intuitive connection to self and others ✴︎ abundance ✴︎ community ✴︎ clarity ✴︎ safety ✴︎ visibility as a form of vulnerabilty ✴︎ energetic insights ✴︎ alignment ✴︎ healing ✴︎ authenticity ✴︎

It’s time to reprogram.

Intuition is our truest guide.

True and lasting success comes from embracing our desires and acting from a space of authenticity. When we are in conversation with our intuition, we are able to express ourselves with clarity and align with opportunities that truly resonate with us.

Grounded transformation is possible.

We do not need to feel overwhelmed, uncomfortable, and anxious in order to bring about meaningful change in our lives. Sustainable and lasting inner change is a slow, but beautiful process if we allow ourselves to be present and aligned with our own timelines.

We are expressions of the Divine.

The divine is within all of us. When we are able to accept this simple truth, we are awakened to the limitless potential we have for creation, transformation, and self-acceptance. Leaning into our own divinity is a powerful anchor for success.

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